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This tutorial is provided by Google Cloud Platform.
You can reach more detailed information from the Google Cloud Platform.
閱讀全文〈Google Kubernetes Engine Guestbook tutorial with Google Cloud Platform〉
分類: GCP
How to connect Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine with SSH Key
最近使用 GCP 上的機器,總覺得 Web Console 用起來使不上力的感覺
首先要產生自己的 SSH Key
可以參考一下網際網路上最大的 RD 社群網路 Github 說明文件
Generating a new SSH key
閱讀全文〈How to connect Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine with SSH Key〉
[GCP] Can not use pt-online-schema-change on Google CloudSQL.
Percona 的 pt-online-schema-change 運作原理不多解釋
但這邊會說為什麼無法使用 閱讀全文〈[GCP] Can not use pt-online-schema-change on Google CloudSQL.〉
GCP – Establish DNS service Use Namecheap and GOOGLE Cloud DNS
目標: Building DNS service, use GOOGLE Cloud DNS, and NameCheap
- https://cloud.google.com/dns/
- https://www.namecheap.com/
- 在 NameCheap 買個 Domain
- 確認能登入 GCP Console
閱讀全文〈GCP – Establish DNS service Use Namecheap and GOOGLE Cloud DNS〉